Website Manager

Sparta Soccer Club

Current Town Soccer Sponsors

Past Town Team Sponsors, we haven't sought Sponsors since the onset of Covid - and currently we are seeking a Dir. of PR & Sponsors to organize this on the future. 

SSC Town League very much appreciates the support of our sponsors, please give these local businesses your support!

Askin and Hooker
                  Nielson Chevrolet

Biondo Investment Advisors

South Shore Outdoor 

Blessed Beginnings

Sparta Eye Associates


Checkur Plumbing & Heating

                    Sparta Kiwanis


Sparta Lanes

George Segale Studios

Sparta Pour House 


Grano Pain Relief & Wellness - Newton, Hamburg and Oak Ridge 


State Farm - Alex Aguado


   Harte Orthodontics


Stop & Shop

Jula Paper

Suburban Propane

Keller Williams Realty - Liz Burns 

                         The Studio


Laddey, Clark & Ryan

                Wellness Pediatrics
                        McIntyre & Company, CPA's





Become a Sparta Soccer Club Sponsor

Thank you for choosing to be a Sparta Soccer Club Sponsor! Each season we have between 300 and 400 participants, which requires significant financial and personnel resources to operate successfully. The cost for sponsoring a Sparta Soccer Club town team includes your company/organization's name printed on the back of each player's shirt, the ability to choose a particular player/coach/age/gender team to sponsor (pending availability), your logo displayed as a sponsor on our website, as well as on our Facebook page, your organization thanked in our social media, email and other communications (i.e. press releases) and your logo on a banner at White Lake Fields. The Sparta Soccer Club is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and run by unpaid volunteers. On behalf of the club - the children, the parents and volunteers - we thank you for your support and generosity.

For sponsorship levels please contact the Director of Public Relations and Sponsorship at [email protected]. To donate now, please fill out the sponsor form by clicking the sponsor form link below the donate by clicking the donation link below to become a Sparta Soccer Club Sponsor via PayPal.

Click here to fill out the sponsor form

Click here to donate via PayPal

Field Status

Closed Closed

White Lake (01:24 PM | 01/13/25)

Closed Closed

STA 3 Turf (01:25 PM | 01/13/25)